Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

Smith Park | 302 E Amite Street, Jackson| Website

Event Details

  • Date(s): Sat, Apr 23
  • Time: 7:30 am
  • Location: Smith Park, 302 E Amite Street, Jackson

Other Information

Butterflies by Grace Defined by Faith (BBGDF) is inviting families to participate in Walk a Mile in her Shoes, a one-mile walk around Smith Park in Downtown Jackson, Mississippi on Saturday, April 23 from 9am – 12pm.

This march welcomes both men and women to join the efforts by literally walking in high heels to raise awareness around the issues of rape, sexual assault, and gender violence. Raising awareness and providing opportunities for discussion on these important issues are at the heart of this event.

Everyone is welcome, and high heels are optional! Check in will begin at 7:30am at Smith Park in Downtown Jackson. For more information, contact Eva Jones at 601.953.5747 or evajustice@hotmail.com.

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