Reflecting Mississippi with Jesmyn Ward

Galloway United Methodist Church | 305 N Congress Street, Jackson| Website

Event Details

  • Date(s): Thu, May 5
  • Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
  • Location: Galloway United Methodist Church, 305 N Congress Street, Jackson

Other Information

In honor of the Mississippi Humanities Council’s (MHC) 50th anniversary, acclaimed writer Jesmyn Ward will deliver a keynote address on the theme of “Reflecting Mississippi.” After her presentation, MHC board member Dr. Ebony Lumumba, chair of the English Department at Jackson State University, will engage Ward in a conversation about how she represents Mississippi in her work.

The event will be held at Galloway United Methodist Church at 305 N Congress Street in Downtown Jackson, and is free and open to the public.

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