Museum After Hours | Halloween on the Green

Mississippi Museum of Art | 308 S Lamar Street, Jackson, MS| Website

Event Details

  • Date(s): Thu, Oct 15
  • Time: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
  • Location: Mississippi Museum of Art, 308 S Lamar Street, Jackson, MS

Other Information

Museum After Hours returns in The Art Garden at MMA with special online offerings for a spooky art adventure. Join the fun ahead of the event and complete our MMA drawing challenge for the month of October and engage in a digital sketchbook sharing on the MMA Facebook Page, create a team for our Trick or Treat Trivia, go on a spooky tour of the Museum, make yourself a BOO-zy cocktail at our bar, and stay late for a socially-distant City in the Grass inspired screening of The Wizard of Oz. Costumes (and matching masks) are encouraged!
To monitor attendance numbers, please register here:…
Going in public still too scary? Wear your costume from home and share it with us using the hashtags: #MMADrawingChallenge2020  and  #MuseumAfterHoursMMA
6 PM: Event begins
6:15: Call for trivia teams
6:30-7:30: Trick or Treat Trivia
7:30-9:30: Wizard of Oz
10 PM: Galleries close
Galleries are open from 7-10 PM.
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