Event Details
- Date(s): Fri, Mar 19
- Time: 10:30 am
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/822175721978120
Other Information
For this virtual Look and Learn, join Post-Baccalaureate Fellow Grayston Barron as she reads “Dancing Through Fields of Color: The Story of Helen Frankenthaler” by Elizabeth Brown and Aimee Sicuro.
Helen Frankenthaler (American, 1928-2011) was an Abstract Expressionist who, like Dusti Bongé, splashed her way through the modern art world. After our story, we’ll look at works by Bongé, that use color to express emotion and show viewers a step-by-step art activity inspired by the story.
Watch the video on the Mississippi Museum of Art’s Facebook, Instagram or Vimeo page.