Intermediate Genealogy: Where Did My Ancestors Go?

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Learn how to trace your family ancestry with resources available at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History on Saturday, September 12, 2020, from 9:30–11 a.m. Joyce Dixon-Lawson, Curator of Research and Genealogy, will lead a virtual workshop Intermediate Genealogy: Where Did My Ancestors Go? Less common resources like educable children and state census records will be introduced, as well as ways that natural disasters and migration patterns impact genealogical research. This offering is designed for participants who have previously completed our Beginner’s Genealogy workshop.
“I always recommend that people start by gathering information at home and from family members,” said Dixon-Lawson. “The state archives has thousands of records available for research. Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions or to learn the answers. The goal is to find them so you can reach the next person.”
Dixon-Lawson has been on staff at MDAH for more than thirty years. She earned her BA and MA degrees in history from Jackson State University. She has led numerous introductory genealogy, African American genealogy, and Native American genealogy workshops in Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama, and Indiana.
The cost of the workshop is $10 per person and will be held virtually using Zoom. To register, click the link