Two Mississippi Museums | 222 North Street, Jackson, Mississippi, 39201| Website
Event Details
- Date(s): Wed, Oct 20
- Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
- Location: Two Mississippi Museums, 222 North Street, Jackson, Mississippi, 39201
Other Information
Architectural historian Judith Johnson will present “Civil Rights Sites of the Mississippi Delta” as part of the #HistoryIsLunch series October 20, 2021. The program will take place in the Neilsen Auditorium of the Two Mississippi Museums and will livestream on Facebook as well.
In 2021 the Mississippi Delta National Heritage Area (MDNHA) and the Mississippi Department of Archives and History undertook a survey of civil rights resources in the Mississippi Delta. The project looked at sites that were associated with the work being done by Black Mississippians as they asserted their rights as U.S. citizens, particularly in the areas of voter registration, public education, and public accommodations. Johnson served as the project consultant and documented more than 200 extant sites in 18 counties.
History Is Lunch is sponsored by the John and Lucy Shackelford Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation for Mississippi. The weekly lecture series of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History explores different aspects of the State’s past. The hour-long programs are held in the Craig H. Neilsen Auditorium of the Museum of Mississippi History and Mississippi Civil Rights Museum building at 222 North Street in Jackson. MDAH livestreams videos of the program at noon on Wednesdays on their Facebook page, The videos are posted on the department’s YouTube channel,
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