Fall CEU Workshop for Educators

Mississippi Museum of Art | 308 S Lamar Street, Jackson, MS| Website

Event Details

  • Date(s): Fri, Nov 4
  • Time: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
  • Location: Mississippi Museum of Art, 308 S Lamar Street, Jackson, MS

Other Information

Inspired by “Jamal Cyrus: The End of My Beginning,” this workshop for educators will explore the ideas of the vastly different narratives attached to events, present and historical.
This free, full day CEU workshop held at the Mississippi Museum of Art, worth 0.6 CEUs, is open to the first 25 K-12 public, private, or homeschool current educators to register. Refreshments, lunch, and CEU’s are provided. Registration is underway and is filling up fast!
For more information or questions, contact: Merry Barnes at mbarnes@msmuseumart.org or 601.965.9909.
This will be an in-person, socially distanced event. Masks are required.
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