Event Details

  • Date(s): Fri, May 7
  • Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Other Information

Downtown Jackson Partners and Visit Jackson have teamed up with Keep Jackson Beautiful to host a Downtown Community Service Day for National Travel & Tourism Week! Join us as we work to beautify our community and create a welcoming gateway entrance into our Downtown district!

From 9am – 12pm on Friday, May 7th, we will focus on beautifying the Pearl/State Street gateway entrance, by painting the event banner structures and landscaping the area. Alongside DJP, Visit Jackson, Keep Jackson Beautiful, and additional volunteers will pull weeds and pick up trash along the Pearl/State Street intersection, as well as down Capitol Street.

Vests, gloves, litter grabbers and beverages will be provided to volunteers upon a first-come, first-serve basis, and food trucks will be onsite for lunch following the event. FREE t-shirt and lunch for the first 100 volunteers!

We will meet in the Welcome to JXN mural parking lot. Volunteer parking will be available in the lower parking lot behind the Old Capitol Museum. For more information, contact Shun Hatten at or call 601.960.1891.


Sponsored by Rivers Greenhouse and Garden who is graciously providing all plantings, compost and mulch for the project.