A Zócalo Event Series: What Kind of Monuments Do We Deserve?

Two Mississippi Museums | 222 North Street, Jackson, Mississippi, 39201| Website

Event Details

  • Date(s): Thu, May 4
  • Time: 6:00 pm
  • Location: Two Mississippi Museums, 222 North Street, Jackson, Mississippi, 39201

Other Information

Zócalo Public Square—a digital magazine and convener of public programming—will be exploring, “What Kind of Monuments Do We Deserve?” at the Two Mississippi Museums on May 4, 2023. Members of the community are welcomed to join in person, or live on YouTube to share their questions with panelists. Continue the conversation with speakers and each other at a post-event reception with complimentary drinks and small bites.

Beyond debates over keeping statues up or tearing them down and changing the names of schools and streets lie more fundamental questions at the intersection of personal and public memory. We know how to honor and memorialize idealized heroes; we know less about remembering complicated, real people, who did extraordinary things—let alone how to remember historical figures who changed the world for the better but also contributed to systems of oppression. And we struggle to lift up the people and places that don’t appear in history books, or fit in with the bigger narratives of our shared past. How do we decide whom we remember and how? What do we owe those who lived before us, and those who will come after us? How can we expand our definition of monuments to include not just physical, public works, but other types of remembering?

Civil rights historian Daphne Chamberlain, visual and performance artist Richard Lou, and Patrick Weems, executive director of the Emmett Till Interpretive Center, visit Zócalo to discuss what public memory looks like in the 21st century, and how future generations might experience the act of looking back.

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